KO Online Survey starting February 3
Brian Beaton, KO Research Associate
Your tribal council, Keewaytinook Okimakanak is working with your community to plan for our shared future. We are looking for your ideas and input to help us with this planning. We are asking everyone who is 18 years old or older to complete the online survey that will be available on Monday February 3.
There are prizes to be won for those people completing the survey including an iPad! Each KO First Nation will also have a draw of people who complete the survey for $50 gift cards!
The survey asks questions about your use of different programs and services being supported by KO and your First Nation. The answers to these questions will help us understand the role of technologies in your communities and what is needed to continue these services.
We appreciate all your feedback, both positive and negative, so we can make improvements for the future.
The survey will be anonymous.
Next week we will send you an email with a link to the online survey. The link to the survey will be posted on your First Nation e-Community Facebook Group page. Every community member who is 18 years old or older is welcome to do this survey ONCE.
When you complete the survey, you will be directed to another site to enter your K-Net email address in a draw for prizes. For every fifty people who complete the survey, we will draw for a prize of either a $50 Walmart gift certificate, a $50 Keewaytinook Mobile phone card or a $50 Northern store gift card (winner’s choice). Every entry is also eligible for the grand prize draw for the iPad. The prize draw will be in mid-March.
Please look out for the email and notice next week and complete the survey online. For more information, contact Brian Beaton at 877-737-5638 x4522 or brianbeaton@knet.ca
Thank you for your help. Meegwetch!
The KO - KORI - FNI team